Since onions have a shallow root system, frequent irrigation is the best way to achieve high yields and uniform bulbs. This makes drip irrigation a no-brainer for onion growers. The challenge for onion growers: Onion is a shallow-rooted crop and therefore does not use all the soil nutrients. Even then, leaching of nutrients to the deeper zone takes place. This refers to maintaining the availability of soil and moisture within the shallow root area. Onions are known to be surviving under tough drought conditions. But, water forms a critical element required in adequate quantities for onion crop growth, yield, and quality. Particularly in drought conditions, onions might split or form double or multiple bulbs. Besides, lack of sufficient knowledge, adequate nutrition, and plant protection management are other challenges that confront onion cultivators. Why choose precision irrigation for onions? Deliver the best quality to your market Maintaining consistent soil moisture with drip i...